
Day 1: Welcome To Uzbekistan!

A taste of history…
• Liaise with your tour guide and chauffeur before
transferring and check into to your hotel
• Visit Uzbekistan’s capital city Tashkent, starting off
with the Hasan Imam complex
• Explore the Shashi Mausoleum – the tomb of
Islam Poets

Day 2: The Pearl of the Orient

Magical Asian experience…
• Travel early to Samarkand, where the mausoleum
Guri-i-Amir is first on your list
• Discover Samarkand’s Pearl of the Orient,
housing the famous Registan square
• Onto the Architects and Artisans Khorossan,
situated near the vibrant city bazaar

Day 3: Incredible Uzbek Architecture

Architectural delight…
• Spend half your day the Necropolis of Shak-i-
Zinda, known for its architecture
• Depart for the Ulugbek Observatory, and then on
to Bukhara (5hours)
• Check-in and stay overnight at your hotel

Day 4: The Charms of Bukhara

Former Jewish area…
• Enjoy a day trip to Liabi-Hauz, the Madrasa
Kukeldash, and more
• Take a stroll in a formerly Jewish quarter and visit
the synagogue
• Explore the Bolo-Hauz Mosque and the Ark
Citadel, previously home to Bukhara Emirs

Day 5: Ride Through the Desert

Red sand forever…
• Early morning drive towards Khiva through the
red sands Kyzyl-Kum Desert
• Cross the Arride Steppe with its Astrakhan sheep
• Picnic on the way of the chayhana before
continuation to Khiva in the afternoon

Day 6: At the Heart of Khiva

Historic monuments…
• A Khiva tour includes Khiva Khaouli Tach, or
“Palace of Pierre”, Harem
• Discover the Friday Mosque with its 218 carved
wooden columns
• Explore Islam Khodja Madrasah, and one of the
oldest monuments in Khiva

Day 7: Explore the Aral Sea

Full day trip…
• Travel to the Aral Sea through the astonishing
Usturt Plateau
• Pass via Kungrad district, which used to be one of
the trading centres on the Silk Road
• View remains of a lighthouse and the ruins of an
abandoned settlement in Urga

Day 8: On the Road To Nukus

Canyons and oceans…
• On the road to Nukus take pictures of the
beautiful canyons and the collapsed land
•  Drive across the dried bottom of the sea
• Stop at Muynak to see the former port – the
“Cemetery of ships”

Day 9: Back In Tashkent

Your final day…
• Enjoy a lovely breakfast at your hotel
•  Head to the airport and fly to Tashkent, then
transfer and check-in to the hotel
• Have a refreshing day to yourself at your hotel

Day 10: End Of Your Journey

Farewell, and thank you…
• Enjoy a lovely breakfast at your hotel
•  Transfer to the airport according to your flight
• Take advantage of duty-free shopping for
souvenirs before your flight

Price details

Approx. $1,760 / 10 days

Excluding international flights

02 Pax 04 Pax 06 Pax Single supplement
Price per person in 4 stars hotels $1,640 $1,290 $1,130 $460
Price per person in 3 stars hotels $1,540 $1,200 $1,030 $360


Day 1: Welcome To Uzbekistan!
A taste of history...
• Liaise with your tour guide and chauffeur before
transferring and check into to your hotel
• Visit Uzbekistan's capital city Tashkent, starting off
with the Hasan Imam complex
• Explore the Shashi Mausoleum - the tomb of
Islam Poets
Day 2: The Pearl of the Orient

Magical Asian experience...
• Travel early to Samarkand, where the mausoleum
Guri-i-Amir is first on your list
• Discover Samarkand's Pearl of the Orient,
housing the famous Registan square
• Onto the Architects and Artisans Khorossan,
situated near the vibrant city bazaar
Day 3: Incredible Uzbek Architecture

Architectural delight...
• Spend half your day the Necropolis of Shak-i-
Zinda, known for its architecture
• Depart for the Ulugbek Observatory, and then on
to Bukhara (5hours)
• Check-in and stay overnight at your hotel
Day 4: The Charms of Bukhara

Former Jewish area...
• Enjoy a day trip to Liabi-Hauz, the Madrasa
Kukeldash, and more
• Take a stroll in a formerly Jewish quarter and visit
the synagogue
• Explore the Bolo-Hauz Mosque and the Ark
Citadel, previously home to Bukhara Emirs
Day 5: Ride Through the Desert

Red sand forever...
• Early morning drive towards Khiva through the
red sands Kyzyl-Kum Desert
• Cross the Arride Steppe with its Astrakhan sheep
• Picnic on the way of the chayhana before
continuation to Khiva in the afternoon
Day 6: At the Heart of Khiva

Historic monuments...
• A Khiva tour includes Khiva Khaouli Tach, or
"Palace of Pierre", Harem
• Discover the Friday Mosque with its 218 carved
wooden columns
• Explore Islam Khodja Madrasah, and one of the
oldest monuments in Khiva

Day 7: Explore the Aral Sea

Full day trip...
• Travel to the Aral Sea through the astonishing
Usturt Plateau
• Pass via Kungrad district, which used to be one of
the trading centres on the Silk Road
• View remains of a lighthouse and the ruins of an
abandoned settlement in Urga
Day 8: On the Road To Nukus

Canyons and oceans...
• On the road to Nukus take pictures of the
beautiful canyons and the collapsed land
•  Drive across the dried bottom of the sea
• Stop at Muynak to see the former port - the
“Cemetery of ships”
Day 9: Back In Tashkent

Your final day...
• Enjoy a lovely breakfast at your hotel
•  Head to the airport and fly to Tashkent, then
transfer and check-in to the hotel
• Have a refreshing day to yourself at your hotel
Day 10: End Of Your Journey

Farewell, and thank you...
• Enjoy a lovely breakfast at your hotel
•  Transfer to the airport according to your flight
• Take advantage of duty-free shopping for
souvenirs before your flight

Price details

Approx. $1,760 / 10 days

Excluding international flights

02 Pax
04 Pax
06 Pax
Single supplement

Price per person in 4 stars hotels $1,640 $1,290 $1,130 $460
Price per person in 3 stars hotels $1,540 $1,200 $1,030 $360

Available departures

Unfortunately, no places are available on this tour at the moment



Sprawling Tashkent is Central Asia’s hub and the place where everything in Uzbekistan happens. It’s one part newly built national capital, thick with the institutions of power, and one part leafy Soviet city, and yet another part sleepy Uzbek town, where traditionally clad farmers cart their wares through a maze of mud-walled houses to the grinding crowds of the bazaar. Tashkent is a fascinating jumble of contradictions that’s well worth exploring over several days.

Like most places that travellers use mainly to get somewhere else, Tashkent always immediately charm visitors and it’s a surprisingly fun and interesting place, with the best restaurants, museums and nightlife in the country. There’s also plenty of opportunity to escape the metropolis for great hiking, rafting and skiing in Ugam-Chatkal National Park, just a 1½-hour drive away.

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The isolated Nukus is definitely one of Uzbekistan’s appealing cities and gets more visitors relative to its attractive Silk Road cousins. However, as the gateway to the fast-disappearing Aral Sea and home to the remarkable Savitsky Museum – one of the best collections of Soviet art in the world – there is actually a reason to come here, other than taking in the general sense of desolation.

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A visit to Khorezm will have you flying down the time tunnel to an age of desert caravans, slave-driving Khans and lost empires. Get out of the fairly utilitarian capital Urgench and wander among the series of forts that dot the sands north and east of town. When you tire of castles in the sand head for Khiva, where the World heritage listed walled inner town contains many monuments built when this was the notorious Khanate of Khiva.

Khiva’s name, redolent of slave caravans, barbaric cruelty, terrible desert journeys and steppes infested with wild tribesmen, struck fear into all but the boldest 19th-century hearts. Nowadays it’s a friendly and welcoming Silk Road old town that’s very well set up for tourism, and a mere 35km southwest of the major transport hub of Urgench.

The historic heart of Khiva has been so well preserved that it’s often criticised as lifeless – a ‘museum city’. Even if you subscribe to that theory, you’ll have to admit that it’s one helluva museum. To walk through the walls and catch that first glimpse of the fabled Ichon-Qala (inner walled city) in all its monotoned, mud-walled glory is like stepping into another era.

You can see it all in a daytrip from Urgench, but you’ll absorb it better by staying longer. Khiva is at its best at dawn, sunset and by night, when the moonlit silhouettes of the tilting columns and medressas, viewed from twisting alleyways, work their magic.

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Central Asia’s holiest city, Bukhara has buildings spanning a thousand years of history, and a thoroughly lived-in old centre that hasn’t changed too much in two centuries. It is one of the best places in Central Asia for a glimpse of pre-Russian Turkestan.

Most of the centre is an architectural preserve, full of medressas, minarets, a massive royal fortress and the remnants of a once-vast market complex. Government restoration efforts have been more subtle and less indiscriminate than in flashier Samarkand, and the city’s accommodation options are by far the best and most atmospheric in the country.

Until a century ago Bukhara was watered by a network of canals and some 200 stone pools where people gathered and gossiped, drank and washed. As the water wasn’t changed often, Bukhara was famous for plagues; the average 19th-century Bukharan is said to have died by the age of 32. The Bolsheviks modernised the system and drained the pools, although it’s most famous, Lyabi-Hauz, remains a cool, mulberry-tree shaded oasis at the heart of the city.

You’ll need at least two days to look around. Try to allow time to lose yourself in the old town; it’s easy to overdose on the 140-odd protected buildings and miss the whole for its many parts

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We travel not for trafficking alone,

By hotter winds our fiery hearts are fanned.

For lust of knowing what should not be known

We take the Golden Road to Samarkand.

These final lines of James Elroy Flecker’s 1913 poem The Golden Journey to Samarkand evoke the romance of Uzbekistan’s most glorious city. No name is so evocative of the Silk Road as Samarkand. For most people it has the mythical resonance of Atlantis, fixed in the Western popular imagination by poets and playwrights of bygone eras, few of whom saw the city in the flesh.

On the ground the sublime, larger-than-life monuments of Timur, the technicolour bazaar and the city’s long, rich history indeed work some kind of magic. Surrounding these islands of majesty, modern Samarkand sprawls across acres of Soviet-built buildings, parks and broad avenues used by buzzing Daewoo taxis.

You can visit most of Samarkand’s high-profile attractions in two or three days. If you’re short on time, at least see the Registan, Gur-e-Amir, Bibi-Khanym Mosque and Shah-i-Zinda.

Away from the main attractions Samarkand is a modern, well-groomed city, which has smartened itself up enormously in the past decade. This process has involved building walls around some of the less sightly parts of the old town, which many consider to have made the old city rather sterile, blocking off streets that have been linking quarters for centuries. While this ‘disneyfication’ of this once chaotic place is undeniable, it’s also true to say that Samarkand remains a breathtaking place to visit.

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